Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has announced that the state government will appeal to the Supreme Court for an injunction against the order by the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA) to release 5,000 cusecs of water per day to Tamil Nadu. The CM cited the “drought-like situation” in Karnataka as the reason for the appeal.
Siddaramaiah also sought the intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in this matter. He and Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar are planning to meet with the Union Jal Shakti Minister to discuss the issue further.
Meanwhile, senior BJP leader and Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi urged the Congress government in Karnataka not to politicize the matter, as the state has agreed to release 2,500 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu out of the required 5,000 cusecs.
The CM highlighted the distressing situation in Karnataka, with a rainfall shortage in August for the first time in 123 years. Out of 230 taluks, 195 have been declared drought-hit, and an additional 20-odd taluks will be declared as such soon. Siddaramaiah expressed the state’s inability to release water due to the lack of rainfall and stated that an injunction against the CWMA order is necessary to address the suffering caused by the drought.
The Supreme Court had previously ordered Karnataka to release 177.25 TMC of Cauvery water in a normal year, but did not specify the amount for distress years. Siddaramaiah explained that only 39.6 TMC of water has been released so far, as there is no water and no rain. Deputy Chief Minister Shivakumar emphasized the low inflow of water in the state and the absence of a distress formula from the CWMA.
Pralhad Joshi assured that he would arrange a meeting between Karnataka and the Union Jal Shakti Minister to present their case. He also suggested that the Karnataka government should engage in negotiations with the DMK government in Tamil Nadu, as the two parties are allies.
As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the Supreme Court will respond to Karnataka’s appeal for an injunction against the CWMA order. The government continues to seek support and assistance from Union Ministers and MPs in its fight against the release of water to Tamil Nadu.
Note: This news article is based on the original content published by Saurabh Verma on News18, and has been written by Pierre Herubel, a proficient SEO and high-end writer with native-level English skills.
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