Title: Google Introduces New Shopping Insights Feature for Holiday Season
With the holiday season approaching, people are on the lookout for gifting ideas and ways to upgrade their electronics or home decor. To simplify holiday shopping, Google has launched new shopping insights that offer users discount codes, price insights, and more. The shopping tab on Google is now a valuable resource for buyers seeking great products with significant discounts and offers. Here’s a closer look at how the shopping insights feature works.
About the shopping insights feature:
According to a post on the Google blog, the company has integrated new shopping features into Chrome and Search. Desktop users will now see Shopping insights in the Chrome address bar when visiting any retail website. These features include various price and discount tracking options to entice buyers to make a purchase while saving money. Google’s new shopping insights features are listed below:
– New deals destination: The Search will now include a new deals destination where buyers can find all discounted products in one place, eliminating the need to visit multiple websites to compare prices.
– Discounts in Chrome: Chrome will find discount codes for users who are always searching for the lowest prices. It also helps users resume browsing items they recently viewed on shopping websites. When on a shopping website, a new Discount Tag in the Address Bar will appear to display available offer codes.
– Merchant control: Merchants will have control over what they display to buyers via Merchant Center settings.
– Price insights in Chrome: This feature allows buyers to view the price history graph of the past 90 days for products.
– Reminders for price drops: Buyers can set reminders for price drops on their selected products and receive emails when the products are discounted. Google launched the new shopping insight feature based on a survey of US shoppers and Web Shopping queries.
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